AW: Korg Zero4/8
Also GroovyDan.... habe das mal übersetzt via Bablefish... ist wirklich recht verständlich... ich schicke dir mal nen Link via PN. Kannst ja dann probieren wie weit du kommst.
Edit: Link ist raus. solltest Post haben. Ich sehe aber gerade... die PDF mit der Anleitung ist halt auch auf Japanisch.... ahh.... mal schauen ob ich die auch irgendwie übersetzen kann.
Ha dunderladdich noch oa moale..... Thanx ForestFunk!
Ich hoffe es ist ok das ich deinen Tip veröffentliche? na ich tus mal:
hier findet Ihr die Japanische Page von Korg bzw. dem Firmwareupdate
Diese URL setzt Ihr nun einfach hier: beim Punkt "übersetzen einer Webseite" ein
Dort könnt Ihr auch die FW ziehen!
Und jetzt die Übersetzung von japanisch auf englisch.
Bitte nicht vergessen die Infos stammen von der japanischen Webseite und könnte evtl. (was ich nicht glaube) abweichen von der europäischen Version!
With system rise data v1.5, ZERO4/ZERO8 in NATIVE INSTRUMENTS corporation make DJ software "TRAKTOR SCRATCH" complete correspondence. With ZERO4 from MIDI/FireWire the automatic MIDI clock slave function which automatic same period is done, furthermore operational pattern was added to the BPM looper of the master section in the MIDI clock of input. In addition センド of the audio which total required channel 2 until now by entrance and exit power with ZERO8, as the function which corresponds to flexible in set rise of the user from recording to live, minds the computer at the time "of FireWire" mode/it reached the point where it can complete the return with channel 1, furthermore it newly founded the page whose editing which is detailed is possible. Because of this, room is born in the number of channels which can be used furthermore stimulates クリエイティビティ.
Because professional DJ, PCDJ, bedroom DJ and Mobile DJ etc. to designate various studio work and production environment as performance environment that way, it can do the KORG ZERO series, the power is shown freely it corresponds to the equipment and material and the execution which differ at the various places as a "live mixer".
ZERO8 system rise data (Windows)
ZERO8 system rise data (Macintosh)
At NATIVE INSTRUMENTS corporation "TRAKTOR SCRATCH" complete correspondence.
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS corporation "TRAKTOR SCRATCH" using private record and CD which used time cord/code technology, with the turntable and the ジョグ wheel of CDJ the data of MP3 and the like on the computer completely with the same feeling as the genuine record, makes high-level scratch play possible. ZERO4/ZERO8 with latest Version1.5 reached the point where the time cord/code record /CD "of TRAKTOR SCRATCH" can be identified, (the *1). Furthermore this time version raising, SCRATCH function is added by TRAKTOR 3 which becomes Version 3.3, also the former TRAKTOR 3 user by the fact that "TRAKTOR SCRATCH UPGRADE KIT" is purchased, uses the turntable /CD player, reaches the point where SCRATCH function can be enjoyed on the maximum of 4 decks which are loaded onto TRAKTOR3, (the *2). ZERO4/ZERO8 "TRAKTOR 3"/controls "TRAKTOR SCRATCH" perfectly with just connection with the time cord/code record /CD and the computer of the FireWire cable without changing the set rise of the turntable /CD player the former way. Furthermore because also of course it is possible, to bet the effect inside ZERO4/ZERO8 on these sounds, the execution of PCDJ which is refined without restricting function is made possible. This way as for ZERO4/ZERO8 the DJ play which used usual record /CD corresponds of course DJ which used the DJ software (PCDJ) instantaneously, type rare shows the real value which becomes the hybrid which integrates the hardware/the software and audio /MIDI/ effect entirely as a live mixer.
With PCDJ style high-speed scratch play possible TRAKTOR SCRATCH, that ZERO4/ZERO8 private package. TRAKTOR SCRATCH UPGRADE KIT
Package contents: TRAKTOR SCRATCH and time cord/code record /CD each 2
Please inquire details, on description below.
Corporation ディリゲント 03-3248-2711
Home page: Http: //
(The *1), audio interface in order to add to the former DJ mixer bundled is done in the full package "of TRAKTOR SCRATCH". Please use optional package "TRAKTOR SCRATCH UPGRADE KIT" to one for ZERO4/ZERO8 which loads audio interface.
(The *2) in order to enjoy SCRATCH function with TRAKTOR3.3, it is necessary for TRAKTOR 3.3 and TRAKTOR SCRATCH to be installed in the same computer. As for ZERO4/ZERO8 use by the fact that purchase it receives "TRAKTOR SCRATCH UPGRADE KIT", it reaches the point where it can use the function.
Adding "the SEND SETUP" functional setting page. It strengthens センド effect, also affinity of the DAW software improves.
"EXT1"/"EXT2" (external effect), "ZERO FX" (internal effect) newly founding each "SEND" setting page. External/internal effect with センド/the return when using, "EXT1" of each channel/the センド output sound source "of EXT2"/"ZERO FX" the pre- (channel fader - the immediately before) or (channel fader - immediately after) with it reached the point where it can select. In addition until recently "the SEND" effect "of ZERO FX" only of knob type same as "CHANNEL"/"MASTER" effect, reached the point where it can select the effect of 8 PAD/8 BAR/FILTER/XY types.
Furthermore when "FireWire Audio" is chosen in each channel, it reached the point where type of audio source which is sent to the personal computer from ZERO8 via FireWire can be selected. It is possible in every channel to select from midst of PHONO1, PHONO2, PHONO3, MIC1, MIC2, GUITAR, LINE and CD/LINE, you send monaural input of the guitar and the like to the computer because of this, until now "Ableton Live" and so on use the plug in effect on the DAW software and when you reset to ZERO8, but the channel which differs to one for input/output was necessary, it becomes possible, guarantees also the room of the number of channels to collect the channel for input/output to one, by the latest update it was added with the setting inside "FIREWIRE" "the SEND SETUP" page. The hybrid which used DAW and the like possibility of play increased.
The control territory of ZERO8 expands. Strengthening master of the MIDI clock/slave performance.
Master of the MIDI clock/slave performance was strengthened, the transport button which administers the information of playback/stop in the BPM setting page which is indicated with LCD display was added. When mastering start of the sequence of the DAW software and the external MIDI equipment/control of stop becomes easily possible. In addition if at the time of the slave the MIDI clock is sent to ZERO8 from the DAW software and the external MIDI equipment, same period being able to point to ZERO8 to those software and the tune which is produced with equipment, in input sound it becomes completely possible to use the effective effect which the synchronizer is done.
Furthermore it sets such as this kind of master/change of the slave in the detailed setting page, it added also the setting page "of MIDI, CLOCK SOURCE" it reached the point where it can correspond to the various set rises which used MIDI softly.
Improvement the operational precision at the level where the other things are detailed.
The INPUT TRIM functional setting page which analog input of the each mixer channel can adjust the level of pre- gain finely was added.
DRAWING EQ and the knob is huge to effect of the type which adjusts temporary condition bypass performance was added.
Function concerning details, please read the instruction manual which belongs to the rise data.
Wer lachen will kann sich die Seite ja auch vom englischen ins deutsche übersetzen lassen:
With system rise data v1.5, ZERO4/ZERO8 in NATIVE INSTRUMENTS corporation make DJ software "TRAKTOR SCRATCH" complete correspondence.
Mit System Aufstieg Daten v1.5, bilden ZERO4/ZERO8 in der
GEBÜRTIGEN INSTRUMENT-Korporation DJ Software komplette Korrespondenz
etc. etc.
Mit ZERO4 von MIDI/FireWire wurde die automatische MIDI Taktgeber-Sklave Funktion, die automatisch die gleiche Periode erfolgt ist, ausserdem funktionsfähiges Muster dem BPM looper des Vorlagenabschnitts im MIDI Taktgeber des Einganges hinzugefügt.
wie die Funktion, die flexiblem im Satzaufstieg des Benutzers vom Notieren Phasen entspricht, sich kümmert den um Computer zu der Zeit
"des Feuerwarndrahtes" 
FIREWIRE auf deutsch.... lach mich krum
Weil Fachmann DJ, PCDJ, Schlafzimmer DJ und bewegliches DJ etc., zum der verschiedenen Studioarbeit und des Produktion Klimas als Leistung Klima zu kennzeichnen, dem Weise, es die KORG NULLREIHE tun kann, die Energie frei gezeigt wird,
AHA alles klar! Fachmann DJ, Schlafzimmer DJ und bewegliches DJ sind auch an der Klimaverändrungen schuld
Thanx to ForestFunk!