I'm having two questions regarding the new tabletop CD-Player NDX800, since it seems to be an interesting tool to complete my turntable-only DJ setup.
1. Are there any plans to provide a firmware update that improves the pitch resolution to 0.05% or better, at least for the range of +/-6%?
2. Which file formats are supported? I'm guessing MP3 (CBR&VBR) and WAV. I think it could be a huge dealmaker if (16/24bit) FLAC support for CD and/or USB drives was possible.
With one of these two options I would buy the NDX800 right away. Both features? Instant heart-attack-brain-explode-mind-blow
I would even pay for a plug-in like download that enables this kind of features... consider this option. It could be a whole new market: Custom build your very own feature set
I would appreciate if I could get an answer any time soon.
Best regards, Serkan