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Wenn du mal hörst, was er teilweise für Bootlegs ausm Ärmel zieht und wie er live abgeht, wirst du mich vielleicht verstehen 
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This was the launch of the DVJ-X1 in Sydney late 2004 and the plan was to use ONLY video clips that i could buy off the shelf not stuff that i had created...the link is here
its 80meg so be patient and its a split screen video...
herre schrieb:kann mich snaip und frttwo nur anschliessen der kann ma gaa nix...
Phil K hat 2004 n demo video über den dvj x1 rausgebracht. der hats drauf un es rockt!
hier ein quote von seiner seite
My name is ------ ------- and I got a suggestion for your DJ product designers.
I recently had a look at your new Pioneer DVJ 1000 which drew my attetion instantly because i am a dj who is fairly interested in your products and new inventions.
I asked myself why you didnt implement a small video LCD-Display into the display panel which is on top of the DVJ 1000. I am talking about those color displays used for mobile phones and digital cameras, which would perfectly fit into the DVJ-1000's display panel. The VJ who doesn't need to preview his videos in much detail would highly benefit from this feature because he could instantly preview the DVJ's video output at the device with no need of extra monitors.
I have attached a .png image. This image shows your DVJ-1000 front picture modified to my ideas (i used Photoshop), so you can see what i have thought of. The additional display ON / OFF switch you will see is for the case that a DJ uses the device to play audio only and doesnt need to preview video material.
I would be glad to hear from you!
friendly greetings
-. -------
Hätte auch ein Namen dafürdreambeat schrieb:
jo, PFG... pre-fader glotzingTecHnicSFreaK schrieb:trotzdem schließe ich mich der Idee von dreambeat an, da sie garantiert einiges erleichtern würde!
...Ich wollte mal fragen ob sich 2 x DVJ-1000 lohnen auch für nen VJ Einsteiger?Der Preis von 5000 € schreckt mich schon ab