Es sind zwar nur noch ein paar Tage, aber ich hatte dann doch etwas lange Weile und bin mal so durchgegangen was denn so gesagt wird im Video.
Suddenly give it a whole new dimension, at what you can do at one deck, just as a solo instrument. - deutet auf eine Remixfunktion hin
I used to trying though those things with echo or delay but it never gets as strong as that. - Effekte auf den CDJ's? ich denke aber eher nicht
I can really now see what im doing like with the records, you know, back in the days. - bessere Darstellung, Wavefoem und neue "Vinyl-Simulation"?
You can just see everything better. - definitiv größerer Bildschirm
Sometimes a track really works with the crowd so i want to have the on-the-spot decision if i want to edit a track on the spot or not. - Hot Cues
Finally you can just do a lot of tricks and stay on time and its fun. - deutet auf Autoloop oder generell Beatgesteuerte "Effekte" hin
It means a lot of things i used have to do in a studio, i can now do live. - sicherlich auch hier das remixen gemeint
These are the sort of things where you have to assault to a program like ableton or something like that. - ich denke nicht dass man irgendwelche Drittporgramme in die CDJs einbinden lassen kann
They have really abaddon themselfes. - Selbstlob
They said it couldnt be done but there is. - da bin ich aber mal gespannt...
It just enables you to do so much more then just mix two records together. darauf sind ja eigentlich alle Pioneer-Produkte aus
Yes pioneer went there, and it rules, i like it very much. wieder selbstlob
I could be on the car to a way on my show, i benn getting a demo, download it, how i could play is straight away? then i found out that you guys already thought about that, which is good. - natürlich auch recordbox-unterstützung
Preparing my tracks on my phone and come to the club and instantly connect to the player and what i just programmed will pop up on the player and im ready to go. - hört sich nach wlan-funktion an
Sicherlich kann man da noch mehr raushören/lesen...