Diesen Artikel habe ich im Netz gefunden. Keine Ahnung, wie seriös der ist. Wer sich daran egötzen mag..
Und zum Thema DJs und Geld noch ein Ausschnitt aus "All Crews" von Brian Belle-Fortune (dem Buch über Drum'n'Bass schlechthin):
Top Jungle DJs aren't being flown around by helicopter, earning Carl Cox type wages (12,000 GBP for a four hour set in Ibiza). Though they do make more money per hour than the average high street solicitor. Still, it's a private matter...
On the road filming DJ Randall (einer der bekanntesten DnB-DJs aus den ersten Tagen) May '96
Producer: DJs must earn mega bucks. Make sure you ask him about money.
B: No man, you ask him, he won't talk about it.
Producer tries to calculate Randall's pay on a 'per slot' basis.
Producer: How many nights a week do you play out?
Randall: I won't tell you how many I play in a week. You know I got four tonight, that's all you need to know.
Producer: Have you done more than five in one night? Stretching it...?
Randall: Forget all these questions about my money. We are not here to talk about that. Forget that (kisses teeth).
Naja, ich würde auch nicht über mein Verdienst reden, aber die Frage danach finde ich trotzdem irgendwie legitim.