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Format: Digital
Künstler: Cie
Titel: Adventures Remixes
Remixer: Chris Maico Schmidt, Maxie König, Mar io, M. Sylvia, Pyrococcus, Tim Susa
Catalogue number: FORMNTERRA004D
Label: Form & Terra Records
Release Date: 19.1.2022
1. Löwenburg (Maxie König Remix) (6:39)
2. Bergfried (Mar io Remix) (7:35)
3. Der Stollen (Chris Maico Schmidt Remix) (6:50)
4. Löwenburg (Pyrococcus Remix) (6:31)
5. Bergfried (M. Sylvia Remix) (7:06)
6. Der Stollen (Tim Susa Remix) (7:54)
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