- Dabei seit
- 13 Jul 2010
- Beiträge
- 19
- Reaktionen
- 0

VVWI has always been about being first out of the gate in the UK for new young pedigree thoroughbreds, heavily doped, frothing and keen as mustard. The success of our early work with the now massive Spektre is testament that despite appearances we may actually know what we are doing. This is our second outing with wunderkind Max Cooper and probably the last we will see of our boy as he wooshes past on his way to the big school. We put a hanky to our eye and wave fondly from the pier like the proud but sad mother we are.
In case you've been dead for tax reasons for the last year: Max has come out of nowhere to headline Fabric and bother the top end of many charts in a disturbingly short time and it's nothing to do with us. Recent remix razzle has been for Hot Chip and Au Revoir Simone among many others and while Max has done us the honour of being our chum early doors, the esteemed Traum label is his true home.
Silicon Sleaze kicks off this 4 track monster. Here at VVWI we seem to have evolved a cycle of 'light/dark/light/dark' in our release schedule. And after the very well received and supported wonky dancefloor jollity of Timo Garcia.... once again we hiss and steam in the brightness and scuttle off back into the basement. Along with the aforementioned we have the amazing Tinderbox. Re-jigged and given an airing. Max has taken VVWI back to our earlier works of Spektre/Sheridan darkness and a welcome return it is too. Max has listened, got involved and totally got what we are trying to do. Make house and techno that has no friends and lives on fish heads in the attic.
On remix action we have Hans Bouffmhyre, yet another shockingly young talent turning in a superb warm rolling techno take. Like being stalked by a monster but one you quite fancy. In keeping with Max's proper science background (fact!) we have former Swiss chemist Jill (AKA Gilles) Bellac coming on all ace with his grooving version that all adds up to what we embarrassingly call 'a very nice package'.
Load up on steroids, bung the jockey a drink and whack this pony on the flanks... we have a winner.
Love and laser,
The VVWI team.
You can preview these tracks on the Veryverywrongindeed website.
Sleazebox EP is out NOW, and available from: Beatport, JunoDownload, iTunes, AmazonMP3, 7digital, HMV Digital, eMusic, WhatPeoplePlay, Zero Inch, DJTunes, TrackItDown, **********, DJShop.ch, DJDownload, Stompy, WebRecords, Clone Digital, and more.
DJ Feedback:
"Love it, it's a fresh sound i haven't heard from Max but it's crisp, chunky and modern and i'm a sucker for that sort of music." - Patrice Baumel
"Great track! Gonna play this a lot, All remixes are great too." - Matt Walsh (BuggedOut! / Turbo)
"I'm all over this thankxx!" - Tom Novy
"Thanks Max, another great package from the master. The Hans Bouffmyhre remix is also very good!" - Microtrauma
"Big Max ,Nice EP....Full Support!!!!!!!!" - Dyno
"Loving the updated version here - deep, subterranean tech-wobble at it's finest." - Elite Force
"Big big big! Loving Hans remix of Tinderbox" - James Trystan (Filth & Splendour)
"Max Cooper's Original Tinderbox seems to be the best Track for me! Thanks for sending me Promo stuff!" - Lars Wickinger
"Loving Max's work! Sick tunes, will support. " - Oli Cassidy (Filth & Splendour)
"I love Hans Bouffmyhre Remix, sounds very groovy!!!" - Marc Marzenit
"Silicon sleaze for me. big respect to the Cooper" - Fergie
"Hans Buff my R mix best." - Rocky (X-Press 2)
"Wicked new track! Will definitely be rotating this one heavily over the summer, thanks a lot!" - Felix Hot Chip
"Nice shit from Max - support" - Orde Meikle (Slam)
"Big time sounds again. Thank you" - Chris Fortier
"All the mixes are working for me, definite plays." - Raymundo Rodriguez (Jaded / Wrong)
"I think the Bellac remix is the one for me here Seerrrrrrllleeeeezyyyyy!" - Timo Garcia
"Tinderbox 2010 update is firing" - Pig & Dan
"Another solid release by max and VVWI + another f'ing wicked piece of artwork!" - Mr Henry Von
"The Jill Bellac remix is sublime!" - Alistair Albrecht
"Thanks. Will play out!" - Justus Koehnke
"Superb production and nice groove. flomotionradio.com play for sure. " - Nick Luscombe
"Good stuff" - Nico De Ceglia
"Great jackin release!" - Justin Robertson
"Cooper! He's the best!" - Martin Böttcher (Byte FM)
"Hans Bouffmyhre kills this one! Full support and really nice package of mixes." - Dave Cronin (RTE Pulse Radio)
"Digging the release" - Ben Mono (Compost Records)
"Tinderbox is exactly my kind of nasty!" - Mark Sun
"Silicon Sleaze and Tinderbox 2010 for me" - Lewis Ryder
"Really like the Jill Bellac remix" - Zigmund Slezak
"It's all about Hans remix for me!" - Danny Graham (Tokio Recordings)
"Silicon Sleaze.. dope track Max.. " - Arveene Juthan
"Bellac mix rocks, sweet mastering also. More please!!" - Christian Pandonis
"This is trippy man!" - Jasper Gape (Nerdy Frames Blog)
"Great EP! Original and VVWI 2010 update for me!!" - Ignacio (Mixside.com)
"Original mix is great! Playing!" - Louis Osbourne (RTÉ Pulse)
"Great tracks. Hans Bouffmyhre remix rocks!" - CTO
"Another great release by Max! Silicon Sleaze is the one for me!" - Marco Dassi
"Yet another awesome release from Max. The VVWI update is my fave, and silicone sleaze just rocks. Eerie stuff!" - Greg Lakin (Codec Shift)
"Hans Bouffmhyre mix for me, nice middle of the night groover that really kicks nicely once it gets where its going" - Darren Rice (Beat 102-103FM - Ireland)
"Love Tinderbox (Veryverywrongindeed 2010 Update), stands above the rest, will def use" - Jerry Bouthier
"Tinderbox is amazing... Love this guy's music" - Justin Martin
"Another amazing EP from the talented Mr Cooper." - Henry Rindhoops
"Max Cooper is a great talent. Full support on this EP, I love it. Review in Only For Dj's magazine" - Ludovic Rambaud (Only For DJs)
"Always a fan of Max cooper..... Always ..... This is a new and refreshing sound from the very innovative Max cooper... a very forward thinking set of remixers indeed" - Harry Avers (Noice!)
"Loving the Hans Bouffmyhre remix! "Silcone Sleaze" is fun, too." - Anji Bee (The Chillcast)
"I like all the tracks. Max Cooper is on fire. Remix producers both did veryverywellindeed." - Colin John
"Wow, like this a lot. Silcon sleaze hits the right spot, while Tinderbox 2010 sounds freshmans. Backing both." - Stretch Silvester
"Loving the dark and wonky feel to this... full Spektre support! Original will be caned over the coming months!" - Richard Wakley (Spektre)
"Silicone sleaze sounds amzazing. Nice,dirty and phat groove. Also I love Tinderbox remix of Jill Bellac." - Uncle Roll (KIwi Club / Proton radio)
"Ohh yus!" - Greg Churchill
"The original is the one for me, thx!" - Hardrock Striker
"Tough, techno vibe really works!" - Phil Turnipseed (DJ Times)
"Hans Bouffmyhre Remix for me!" - Patrick Kunkel
"Wowa wi wa" - Yuval Dor/MeWe Beat
"I love Spektre - and I love Max too;-) Super-stuff. First great track I've found all day" - Jonty Skrufff (Skrufff.com)
"Dark haunting twisted tech funk for ya ass,it makes me feel unclean! Hans mix of Tinderbox is my fave. Nailed it, Sir!" - Jon Pettitt
"Dear Mr. Max Cooper...please stop making tunes that make my head throb. Silicon Sleaze is a brilliant uber dark slab of goodness. Of the Tinderbox remixes, I'm going to go with the dark nearly haunted throbbyness of the Hans mix as my fave. Another brilliant single! Still batting 1000." - Paul Zimmerman (The POP! Stereo)