- Dabei seit
- 13 Jul 2010
- Beiträge
- 19
- Reaktionen
- 0

Our second release of 2011 is from our old friend Josh T (formerly Josh Tweek) who keen eyed VVWI fans (some of whom might be owls or ospreys) will remember was one of our very first releases. As usual, a young VVWI signing has gone onto great things with no help from us whatsoever and become a substantial artist despite our studied hands-off A&R techniques. Yet again we wallow in our own apathy and go no further than our main source of talent, the unusually fertile city of Leeds.
Two 'E's and an LSD. Leeds. House music mecca of the North and unflinching bastion since day one and never a blip in dedication for over two decades. It's no accident over half our catalogue has some connection with the city that sometimes sleeps.
Josh is co-founder and main resident for the mighty LOUCHE. London and Leeds have both been scenes of fantastic Louche events recently and to hear "whateverrr" is to hear the late night sound of Josh behind the decks doing his traditional final set at Louche when the teen tourists have ****ed off and only the faithful remain. Again, like our recent outing with the last ever Electric Press release, we go downtempo and (whisper it if you dare) somewhat Balearic with this stonking groover.
Josh and Louche has drawn every DJ and Producer of modernity worth mentioning so why not join us, them and some birds of prey for a small round of applause for Josh T and his magic fingers.
Now firmly in the bone idle bosom of the VVWI spamily... Paul Loraine manages to willfully ignore the charts and compass and turn the ship into deeper, wronger waters. As a veteran of our sound Paul knows our single A&R direction by heart: "Make It Weirder". Which we repeat until it is. We don't have to tell Paul anything anymore. Like Sir Alec Guiness as Obi Wan Kenobi we crumple like a dirty brown habit to the floor because... well now he is the master innit. His move to Barcelona obviously agrees with him.
Finally we go to Portugal for newest signing eRi2. No we didn't find him in a crashed X-wing fighter. We purchased him entirely legally from Jawas. In keeping with our policy of launching new talent eRi2 aka Diogo Tenreiro won our remix contest over Xmas and is currently studying at Pointblank College in London, however he is no mere student and is a well established DJ and Producer in Lisbon and we are certain to hear more from him as his remix here will prove. Once we prise off the restraining bolt and wipe his memory.
Leeds, Barcelona and Lisbon, if we knew anything about football we'd insert a gag about it here. But we only do house music, birds of prey and star wars. And some techno now and then.
May some Force be with you! (...but not too much. Consider the fate of Lord Vader for pities sake.)
Thanks for listening. Send us some reactions or we'll be a bit cross.
The VVWI Team
You can preview these tracks on the Veryverywrongindeed website.
Whateverrr is out NOW, and available from: iTunes, AmazonMP3, JunoDownload, Beatport, 7digital, HMV Digital, Napster, eMusic, WhatPeoplePlay, Zero Inch, DJTunes, TrackItDown, **********, DJShop.ch, DJDownload, Stompy, WebRecords, Rhapsody, Clone Digital, Digital-Tunes, Spotify, We7, mFlow, and more.
DJ Feedback:
"Nice EP - Digging Paul's mix - Will play thanx" - Orde Meikle (Slam)
"Excellent in all 3 mixes" - Nick Warren
"Feeling the original, thanks!" - Tom Novy
"Feeling the original and Paul Loraine mixes here, nice package" - Max Cooper
"Original has a vibe, Loraine takes it to murky waters with finesse. Big up!" - Jody Wisternoff
"Solid, interesting grooves all around." - John Selway
"Hello there. Initial thoughts are good: on a 2020 Soundsystem flex, and that's alright!" - Kristian Dando (iDJ)
"Love the orig mix and Paul Loraine remix" - Tom Findlay (Groove Armada)
"Paul Lorraine mix is poss the best thing I've heard from VVWI to date." - Russell Deeks (iDJ)
"The 2 remixes are pretty cool." - Rocky (X-Press 2)
"Paul Loraine's mix is the one for me. Excellent" - Richard Seeley
"Liking the eRi2 remix. Will be blasting this out for sure!" - Murray Richardson
"Very cool old school vibes in the original mix" - Olibusta
"Nice original from Josh" - Mr Henry Von (Excentric Muzik / Rekluse)
"Good stuff!" - Tim 'Love' Lee
"Original is lush, love the 80's feel to the percussion!" - Sasha Le Monnier (C.O.U. Muzik)
"Loving the Paul Loraine mix, definite plays and support." - Raymundo Rodriguez (Jaded / Cable)
"Great release from VVWI, feeling all the mixes but eRi2 is the one for us." - Schadenfreude
"Digging the original a lot! Nice stuff!" - James Teej (Rekids)
"'Whatever' is great, like it alot, will play!" - DJ Earthian (Animaltek)
"Paul's remix is my favorite, but all the tracks are great. Very good EP" - Lo (Superfreq)
"Loving the sound, rich powerful and melodic grooves... Full support from me!" - Grant Paterson (The Guide - Edinburgh)
"Very nice EP and will be getting a good work out from me!" - Nathan Coles
"Great EP, digging all tracks, looking forwards to playing the original afterhours!" - Ed Isar
"I think the original is for me! Gonna play it for sure..." - Laurent Charbon
"Excellent. I'm sure most DJ's are the same as me, we trawl through a LOT of crap to eventually find that one gem. Well this is that gem. Love the original - best thing on VVWI for me." - Stu Hirst (CR2 / Global Underground)
"The Original Track is a nice one! Great!" - Lars Wickinger
"eRi2 mix is nice, tough funk beats" - Boom Merchant
"eRi2 remix is the one!!! cool vibe" - Carl Anians
"Top notch as always from you guys" - Chris Rayner (Inhale)
"Super hot Track!!" - Chris Udoh
"Deep frugging lushness with the all important groove - will play all 3 mixes." - Jon Blond