[Buch] Louis Burns - "A man's diary"




www.lil-louis.com schrieb:
In 1996, I just ended one of the most painful relationships I’d
ever experienced. One day, while venting about it to my brother Steve,
he said, “Louis, you know you have the craziest relationships. You
should write a book about it.”
Having always been very private about my love life, I initially
balked at the notion. But what he said wouldn’t leave me. The more I
thought about it, the more intrigued I became. And the more I realized
his statement had less to do with me, and more to do with the state of
I’ve kept diaries since I was four, over 80 total, which
chronicled every relationship I’d ever had. So I had more than
sufficient means to write it. But, before committing to do it, I made
a pact with myself, that if I wrote it, it would be with no
testosterone or machismo. I’d tell my story the way it happened, from
the good to the most devastating moments. If I cried, begged or
looked like the biggest fool of mankind, I would not edit that out.
Drawing my beliefs from naïve ignorance, I initially thought,
because I was a songwriter, writing the book would take six months. 10
years later, I realized writing a book was no song. It was the most
difficult and rewarding thing I’ve ever undertaken. But what I did not
know was, the journey was just beginning.

Ich bin ja nicht so der Fan von Liebestralala, aber bei Lil Louis "Tagebuch" würd ich wetten, dass auch die ein oder andere Gescichte rund um die Musik Einzug gehalten hat.

Hat das mal jemand bestellt?

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